
The Phantom Hands Journal features a collection of articles, opinions and interviews on design, architecture, furniture and craft. It also offers a 'behind the scenes' look into our work and inspirations.

In Conversation With Phantom Hands Founder Deepak Srinath: The Origin Story

By: Parni Ray

Date: 23.10.2020

Upholding Europe’s Legacy: From Chandigarh’s City Furniture to ‘Pierre Jeanneret’s Chairs’

By: Parni Ray

Date: 09.10.2020

In Conversation With Professor Vikramaditya Prakash: On the Authors of Chandigarh

By: Parni Ray and Deepak Srinath

Date: 25.09.2020

The Genesis of the Chandigarh Chair: Furniture as Infrastructure

By: Parni Ray

Date: 11.09.2020

In Conversation With Ar. Shivdatt Sharma: On the Chandigarh School of Modernism

By: Parni Ray and Deepak Srinath

Date: 04.09.2020

Phantom Hands Supports Canadian Centre for Architecture's 'Find and Tell' Program

By: Parni Ray

Date: 21.08.2020

In Memoriam: Velanganie Raj, Timber Dealer for Phantom Hands

By: Deepak Srinath

Date: 11.08.2020

In Conversation With Design Duo X+L: Simple Ideas That Last

By: Parni Ray

Date: 13.07.2020

Behind the Scenes of the Tangāli Collection Designed by INODA+SVEJE

By: Parni Ray

Date: 30.06.2019

In Conversation With Design Studio INODA+SVEJE: Designing Without Straight Lines

By: Parni Ray

Date: 13.06.2019

Phantom Hands at Unité d’Habitation, Berlin (Apartment 258)

By: Deepak Srinath

Date: 15.07.2018

Behind the Scenes of the Mungāru Gallery Chair Designed by INODA+SVEJE

By: Deepak Srinath

Date: 22.10.2017

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