Terms & Conditions

Website Disclaimer

The images and text contained within this website and online catalogue are intended to provide information about products offered by Phantom Hands Vintage Collectibles LLP (“Phantom Hands”). The website does not and is not intended to enable the buying or selling of products online or otherwise engage in e-commerce. Please get in touch with us using the email address or phone number provided in the Contact Us page in case you wish to enquire about any of the products listed on this website.

All trademarks, logos, designs, images, graphics, product names, with or without trademark logo, code, look-and-feel of the website and other content displayed or made available on the website (“Content”) constitutes intellectual property owned by Phantom Hands or its licensors. You may not copy, publish, distribute, modify, edit, re-use, disseminate, create derivative works from, duplicate or otherwise use any such Content without our prior consent and authorisation.